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Twin is a fun and informative robotics & coding set that improves the imaginations of children. It is composed of modules that can be connected to each other with magnets. Thus, the children can easily produce the latest technologies such as robots and autonomous cars.

Middle East Technical University Alumni Association​


 METU Alumni Association provides sholarship opportunities for academically strong students in need of financial assistance. 

Tarsus American Collage Allumni Association​


The graduates of Tarsus American College always feel indebted to their school TAC. The most important area of endeavor for the TAC Alumni Association is to create scholarship opportunities for academically strong students in need of financial assistance. 

İstanbul Erkek Liseliler Derneği ​


IELDER provides sholarship opportunities for academically strong students in need of financial assistance. 

The American Turkish Friendship Council's is a Non-profit, social organization and mission is to promote education, trade and cultural understanding between the United States of America and the Republic of Turkey.

© ATFC web page.

2513 Shallowford Rd. STE 200,

Marietta, GA 30066

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